Understanding Child & Youth Care
This week, l et's back up a little and look at what a child & youth care practitioner does! Scope of Practice Defining child and youth care is hardly a straight forward task. The Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care (OACYC) in their scope of practice explain that, "C hild and Youth Care practice is grounded in the basis of a trauma-informe d, relational, anti-oppressive, participatory and strength-based approach. Child and Youth Care practice includes assessing individual and program needs, designing and implementing programs and planned environments. With young people, Child and Youth Care Practitioners integrate developmental, preventive and therapeutic processes into the lifespace, where possible" So, essentially, practitioners collaborate with young people and their families to support their development and foster their strengths. But how and where they do that is as varied as it is unique, and that is where definitions get tricky! Soo...wh...